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Publishing services

If you have written or writing a title along the mystical, magical, gothic or horror genres and looking for a publisher to bring your title to life, then Witchwaretm might be interested in working with you. Take a look at the categories at to see the subject matter that Witchwaretm is interested in publishing.

Witchwaretm can register your title with national and international distributors and your title will be distributed far and wide and listed on a lot of the big book seller sites, (Amazon, Book Depositary) and many, many more. Also Witchwaretm will list your title at

Witchwaretm can publish both physical and digital and supply your ISBN (International Standard Book Number).

Search for Witchcraft and the Old Religion: an introduction (a Witchwaretm title) and see how far and wide it is available.

If you're interested, then email me a synopsis and no more than 10,000 words from your book.

Nigel Cox

Director of Witchwaretm